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About Us

Welcome to Elite Recruitz

Our Story

Elite Management Servcies was born just overnight on 7th July, 2011 as Recruitment keeda was lingering in head & exposure to Consultancy environment since 2006 as Recruiter with qualiications in MBA (HR) from ICFAI Universtity. Had fair knoweldge & crux how agency process operate leading to the World of Enterprenship.

  • Career Enhancement
  • Vision & Mission

In 2019 we spread our wings in supplementing other services which specially caters to Individuals in CV- Redesigning, LinkedIn Profile Review & Career Counselling as that the essentials tools for any Recruiter while interacting with Candidates that is the 1st process to take ahead in our businesses "Free advice" very few consider and implement in their careers path.... Jab jeb se athani jaati hai uska mol kuch aur hi hota hai😉

Our Mission is to render Elite Recruitment Services to your Clients with our insights on the jobs aligning to organization goals + Candidates career path with a Vision of being No1 Recruitment Vendors for our old & new onboarding clients & listed among Top 10 Recruitment Agency in India.

Welcome to Elite Recruitz

Our Story

As an Entrepreneur I want to be a "problem solver " for our "Clients & Candidates" which drive me to be prompt in follow-up & coordination with thorough flitering to bridge the gap which we all facing in today sceanario.

Believe in women empowerement with that thought process our First Consultant was a Fresher with no expertise & from Delhi working for us. We always supported & encouraged women to join our team & who wants to have career in recruitment balancing both professionals & personal goals. "NEVER TO QUIT" is the mantra which has taken EMS today placing candidates in more than 20+ Cities & States in India for more than 40+ clients.

We believe & practice in Consistency, Quality, Transparency, Honesty in this competitive Market.....Foundation & Learning is a key to our success.

In 6 Steps

Full Cycle Recruiting


  • Vacancy intake w. hiring manager
  • Write job description
  • Create job advert


  • Source candidates
  • Check existing talent pool
  • Keep hiring manager informed


  • Screen resumes
  • phone screening
  • Give realistic job preview


  • Close contact w. hiring manager
  • Use an interview guide to structure the process
  • Automate the interview scheduling


  • Perform reference checks
  • If needed, do a background check
  • Support manager in making a data-driven hiring decision


  • Stay in touch during pre-boarding
  • Check in regularly during onboarding
  • Inform hiring manager where necessary
In 6 step

Full Cycle Recruiting

Long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the
readable content of a page.



  • Vacancy intake w. hiring manager
  • Write job description
  • Create job advert


  • Source candidates
  • Check existing talent pool
  • Keep hiring manager informed


  • Vacancy intake w. hiring manager
  • Write job description
  • Create job advert


  • Close contact w. hiring manager
  • Use an interview guide to structure the process
  • Automate the interview scheduling


  • Perform reference checks
  • If needed, do a background check
  • Support manager in making a data-driven hiring decision


  • Stay in touch during pre-boarding
  • Check in regularly during onboarding
  • Inform hiring manager where necessary
  • Written Testimonials
  • Video Testimonials